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Work Chronicles is now a Newsletter-first webcomic.

Hi friends,

Bob here, the creator of Work Chronicles. I have been creating these comics since 2020. Over time, I have seen my reach decline on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook & Reddit. Some of my comics are shown to just 20% of my followers. Instagram & Facebook decided to prioritise videos over images. And Twitter is also following suit. I am trying to reduce my reliance on these platforms. Hence I’m focusing on my Email Newsletter. 

If you enjoy reading my comics, I will encourage you to join my free email newsletter. Did I mention it’s free? I post comics every weekday and you get it straight to your inbox. Many readers reply back to me saying they enjoy getting the comic before the start of their work day. I hope you will give it a shot. 



Join my FREE Daily Newsletter now!

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✅ Comics in your inbox BEFORE YOU START YOUR WORK

✅ BONUS: “The Work Chronicles Top 15 comics of all time”

✅ BONUS: Newsletter Exclusive Comics 

✅ You can hit “Reply” to reach me directly (check out the reader emails below)

✅ It’s FREE

Type your email below to join the Newsletter👇

OVER 16,000+ people from diverse fields like Software Engineering, Product Management, Management Consulting, Healthcare etc. have already joined!

About Work Chronicles

Work Chronicles is a webcomic about the workplace. I have been creating these comics since 2020.   The ideas are either my experiences or things I have observed in the workplace from over a decade of working in corporate. If you have feedback, suggestions or ideas for me, please email me [email protected] 

Hear from my Newsletter Readers

You can also reach me directly by hitting “Reply” on the email newsletter you get! – Bob

Type your email below to join the Newsletter👇

Wall of Gratitude 🙏

Thank you to everyone who is supporting the comics either with Patreon or Ko-fi

To show my appreciation, I have created a Wall with names of all supporters.